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Why this site

Certain people might remember a much more different site at this domain (nitrosubs.live). Most don't, and they (yourself included, I guess) might wonder why it's called that. The name has a tiny bit of history behind it (as usual), so I'll dissect it accordingly.


This part represents a person's nickname; not some discord whatever, even though nitro was probably available back then. I will not elaborate on anything here. The guy deserves ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY RECOGNITION and so any related discussion shall never take place. Not here.


Back in the day (2019), there was a fansub group operating under a self-deprecating moniker. At the time I thought they were doing not just a great job, but the best possible job, translating tons of shows into English for people's viewing pleasure. I later figured out they were just ripping Crunchy subs lol. They were pretty much the reason I started fiddling around with a certain language, and that is the end of that story. As of 2025, they are no longer around (afaik they shut down circa October 2020).


Cheap domain. That's it. Not really though...

Remember the 'fansub group' from before? That was HorribleSubs, of course. (you shall now get it.) I would not have even learned about them if it hadn't been for a particular streaming site (which now thankfully does not exist) that inspired me to create something of my own. I dedicated time and effort to develop a VOD (so live, but not really) streaming service that would allow anyone (with an account; to avoid murdering my cheap server) to view 'content.'

Initially, I was determined to learn how 2 fansub, but of course, there's too much one needs to understand in order to do that effectively. And efficiently. You know, it's not just the language itself, but also the culture, references, etc. Impossible to do with even the best understanding of grammar, yet simple word/phrase/idiom dictionary lookups.

And with that, said 'content' would eventually become some randomly recorded-then-edited shitposts, and not a fansub host. Go figure.

The site was technically impressive though... for someone's first web project. It had:

There were even some 'funny men' (script kiddies) trying to copy everything they saw there (only UI stuff, which they still failed to do properly), so I consider it a success and give it a 10/10 thankyouverymuch.

Having spent so much time creating the site, I kept trying to convince my friends to post their content exclusively there. That failed, so I gave up on it. The 'funniest' time I've ever used it for something was when I published a video about destroying a friend's Minecraft house by spawning a Wither inside with some people in 2021. That did not end well. But more on that in the future. Maybe.

Thus the site became my own personal meme video shitpost hell.

A 'hell paradise,' if you will.

The Present™

It is 2025, and that website had its last UI refresh in 2020/2021 (I don't really care enough to check on gitlab). I've had nothing interesting to upload for the past two or three years, and I am not interested in reencoding everything after learning how 2 VP9 properly; I was dumb enough to use average bitrate encoding back then. The code also blows, because I was not as experienced a programmer as I am right now, so boom, I shot him. There is no need to keep it online, it really wasn't that interesting, trust me. This new site is better, because at least it has a purpose now.

Nonetheless, I like the name, and I like that it's mine now, so boom, I kept him. Certainly not because I've paid for the domain in advance.
